Somayeh Alinaghi Arjas

Somayeh Alinaghi Arjas
Associated PhD Student
Associated Project 11
AP11: Characterization of the genotype underlying hereditary forms of intrahepatic cholestasis
Somayeh Alinaghi ArjasPhD Student
Verena Keitel-AnselminoProject Leader |
Intrahepatic cholestasis describes defective bile formation within hepatocytes and comprises a heterogeneous group of liver diseases ranging from rare inherited chronic forms of disease to more common acquired and sometimes even transient forms. The underlying molecular mechanisms comprise defects in bile acid synthesis, nuclear signaling, vesicular trafficking, canalicular transport of bile acids and bile constituents across the epithelial barrier, tight junction-mediated impaired barrier function, and maintenance of cell polarity resulting in impaired bile secretion from hepatocytes into the canalicular lumen.
Workflow for genetic analysis in hereditary intrahepatic cholestasis. Variants in genes involved in bile formation are related to hereditary intrahepatic cholestasis. Modifier variants may contribute to disease severity and progression. A) Whole exome sequencing (WES) is performed to detect potentially relevant genetic variants in the protein-coding and adjacent regions. B) TaqMan genotyping assay is used to identify risk-modifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may influence disease manifestation. C) Bioinformatic analysis of WES results is carried out for alignment, annotation, and variant prioritization.
Photos: by UMMD, Melitta Schubert/Sarah Kossmann